今天早上看到一則消息,霍金(Stephen Hawking)博士病危送醫了!
據說大師數週來為胸腔感染所苦,這次被救護車送往醫院後,劍橋大學官方對霍金狀況的說法是「病重」(very ill in hospital,有報導甚至寫seriously ill),著實令人擔心。
我上網找了一下相關消息,有幾則報導轉述劍橋大學公關頭頭Gregory Hayman的話說霍金博士已經舒服多了,但是會在醫院過夜。而在霍金博士個人的官方網頁上面,因為查詢人次太多,也臨時關閉而簡短的發表了如此的聲明。看來要耐心等候進一步消息的發表了!

Welcome to the website of Professor S.W. Hawking

Monday 20th April, approx. 19:00 UK time

Due to very high demand, the website has been simplified to keep the server online. We apologise for the lack of in-depth content, which would normally be available here.

Professor Hawking is comfortable, but will be spending the night in hospital. The Cambridge University Press Office have a statement to this effect, and do not expect to have any further updates until mid-morning tomorrow.

希望霍金大師快點好起來,這樣我們才可以繼續看到他發表的有趣文章,說不定也可以聽他發表對STAR TREK新電影的感想。


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